Division/Department: Division of Theory of Sport:

Scope of tests:

  1. Assessment of somatic build and segment analysis of body composition.
  2. Measurement of respiratory system capacity. Static an dynamic spirometry.
  3. Specifying intensity of physical effort on the basis of recording heart rate.
  4. Determining biochemical indicators – lactic acid blood concentration.
  5. Estimating metabolic thresholds.
  6. Assessment of endurance skills – aerobic and unaerobic (e.g. step-tests, beep test, Wingate test, PWC170).
  7. Measurement of strength capacity in static and dynamic conditions.
  8. Assessment of speed capabilities of the body in cyclic and acyclic movements.
  9. Assessment of speed and strength (power) capabilities of upper and lower extremities (maximum and mean power).
  10. Co-ordination motor skills.
  11. Physical fitness tests (MTSF, EUROFIT, YMCA etc.)
  12. Other as necessary.

The division carries out laboratory and field tests.

For whom the tests are intended: Good diagnostics is the starting point for programming or modifying training. It is also an objective way of monitoring the effects of athlete’s or coach’s work. It is one of the basic measure of training effectiveness in all its types and an important tool in preventive medicine.

The offer includes measurement of individual fitness and co-ordination capabilities, and body structure of an athlete. Organised data is provided in the form of a report with comments and recommendations concerning the structure of development programmes in the context of specific training objectives. Measurement procedures are adjusted to all levels of advancement and age categories (children, youths, adults).

Terms of co-operation: to be agreed

Contact person:
Krzysztof Karpowicz, PhD,
phone: +48 61 835 52 72