Królowej Jadwigi 27/39, 61-871 Poznań

+48 61 835 51 65

Main building, entrance “C”, room: 243

Krzysztof Durkalec Michalski, BEng, PhD, DSc

Associate professor, Head of the department


telefon: +48 61 835 51 65


Main research interests:
Sports nutrition and supplementation – in particular beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyric acid (HMB), sodium bicarbonate, colostrum, caffeine and beta-alanine supplementation, as well as different nutritional interventions (e.g., ketogenic diet, glycemic index-based carbohydrate diets) and their influence on discipline-specific performance, aerobic, and anaerobic physical capacity, exercise metabolism and immunology, training activities, body composition and blood biochemical markers in trained athletes and active individuals; body mass regulation, rapid weight loss, and the fast nutritional recovery before competitions in combat sports and sport disciplines with weight categories.

Paulina Nowaczyk, PhD

Assistant professor


telefon: +48 61 835 53 71


Main research interest:
Sports dietetics, including nutritional and supplementation strategies in various sport disciplines and recreationally active individuals and their impact on physical capacity and performance, body mass and composition, energy metabolism and blood or saliva biochemical biomarkers. Studies on health potential of functional foods, as well as on the dietary patterns in relation to health outcomes.

Research projects:
Poland National Science Centre project Miniatura 5 entitled ‘The effect of caffeine and paraxantine kinetics on exercise performance and psychophysical state in athletes after ingestion of mono- or multi-ingredient caffeine-containing supplements’ (project number: 2021/05/X/NZ7/01179)

Małgorzata Mizgier, PhD

Assistant professor


telefon: +48 61 835 53 71

Iwona Dziuba-Hut, MA

research and technical specialist


telefon: +48 61 835 52 30