DeanLeszek Zguczyński, PhD
A graduate of Physical Education at the Faculty of Physical Culture in Gorzów Wielkopolski, received a post-doctoral degree in physical culture sciences, academic teacher, since 2015 a dean of the Physical Culture Faculty in Gorzów Wielkopolski of the University School of Physical Education in Poznań, head of the Division of Morphological Sciences, Biology and Health Sciences. A member of the International Brain Research Organisation, Polish Anatomical Association and Polish Association for Nervous System Research. In his research he focuses on studies of neuronal connections between brain stem centres and cerebellum, and their effect on movement co-ordination.
e-mail: l.zguczynski@awf-gorzow.edu.pl
phone: (+48) 95 72 79 210

Vice-dean for EducationAlicja Naczk, PhD
e-mail: a.naczk@awf-gorzow.edu.pl
phone: (+48) 95 72 79 267

Vice-dean for Student AffairsPiotr Wójciak, PhD
e-mail: p.wojciak@awf-gorzow.edu.pl
phone: (+48) 95 72 79 263