Krzysztof Kusy, PhD
Associate professor, Head of the department
e-mail: kusy@awf.poznan.pl
telefon: +48 61 835 52 70

Jacek Zieliński, PhD
Full professor, Head of the chair
e-mail: jzielinski@awf.poznan.pl
telefon: +48 61 835 52 70

Barbara Pospieszna, PhD
Assistant professor
e-mail: bpospieszna@awf.poznan.pl
telefon: +48 61 835 53 48

Monika Ciekot-Sołtysiak, PhD
Assistant professor
e-mail: ciekot@awf.poznan.pl
telefon: +48 61 835 54 97

Michał Włodarczyk, PhD
Assistant professor
e-mail: wlodarczyk@awf.poznan.pl
telefon: +48 61 835 53 38

Joanna Metlak, MA
Senior research and technical specialist
e-mail: metlak@awf.poznan.pl
telefon: +48 61 835 52 70

Maja Maćkowiak, MA
Research and technical specialist
e-mail: m.mackowiak@awf.poznan.pl
telefon: +48 61 835 52 70