Library Catalogue of Printed Books and Journals

Library Catalogue of E-books and E-Journals

1. All Users of the Library have an access to the e-resources in the Reading Room for study, teaching anud research purposes.

2. AWF Poznan faculty and students are entitled to use the e-resources both in AWF and at home through the proxy server. A vaild student ID card / library card is required.

PHONE: (+48) 61 835 50 76
PhD Maciej Kościuszko
Library Building, first floor, room 207


To gain remote access to e-resources you need:

  1. Have a valid library card.
  2. Configure your web browser.

Log in with your library card details via the Main Library website. Depending on the hardware and software used, the configuration may look different. The fastest method consists of several steps:

Go to your web browser settings. If there is a search field in your browser settings, enter „proxy”. Most often, the PROXY server settings are in the „network” tab. In the „Automatic proxy configuration URL” field, paste the following link:

The image below shows the settings applied to the Firefox browser. The settings window may look different on different browsers. For example, on a Mac, „settings” has a different name – „preferences.” Access is possible from any browser provided it supports remote configuration scripts. Configuration always comes down to pasting the above link into the appropriate field and logging in using your library card settings.


 – subscribed resources: free access for all users in the Reading Room, free access for AWF Poznan faculty and students
 – free access

Academic Search Ultimate
ARIANTA Naukowe i Branżowe Polskie Czasopisma Elektroniczne
(Polish Scientific and Professional Electronic Journals)
Biblioteka Nauki CEON (The Library of Science; Polish scientific databases and journals in open access)
Central Statistical Office of Poland. Information portal
Elsevier – Books and Journals
Federacja Bibliotek Cyfrowych (Polish Digital Libraries Federation)
Health Source®: Consumer Edition
Health Source®: Nursing/Academic Edition
Polska Bibliografia Lekarska (Polish Medical Bibliography)
Sport Package (LWW Journals)
Springer Books and Journals
Tez-MeSH – Polish version of Medical Subject Headings
Tourism and Hospitality Collection (Emerald Journals)
Web of Science
Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa (Digital Library of Wielkopolska)
Wiley Books and Journals