Regulations of the Main Library of the Academy of Physical Education Eugeniusz Piasecki in Poznań


1. The Main Library of the Academy of Physical Education. Eugeniusz Piasecki in Poznań is a scientific library whose main task is to serve employees, students, doctoral students, postgraduate students and participants of courses organized by the university.

2. Other users of the collections shall be made available on separate terms.

3. The followingcollections of the Main Library are used on the basis of an active library card, which is an valid student’s electronic legitimacy, doctoral student or reader card of the Poznań Foundation of Scientific Libraries;

These documents also allow the use of other affiliated libraries in PFBN – in accordance with their regulations.

4. Formalities related to the recording and activation of access to the library collections should be completed in person in the lending desk on the basis of:

Valid electronic student ID card, doctoral student, business ID card, ID card,

Fee transferred to the AWF account in accordance with the “Looking at the Main Library of the Academy of Physical Education. Eugeniusz Piasecki in Poznań”,

Filled in the lending desk a declaration containing basic personal data and certifying knowledge of the rules of these Regulations.
Users activate the access annually, with the exception of AWF employees and doctoral students who activate every 2 years.

5. Employees, PhD students and AWF students can enroll in the online library. The account created is temporary. Enables ordering books from the catalog and is active for 14 days. At this time it is necessary to:

5.1. Make a payment to the university account, in accordance with the “List of fees applicable in the Main Library of the Academy of Physical Education. Eugeniusz Piasecki in Poznań’; in the title of the transfer, write “zapis zdalny”,

5.2. Submission in person to the lending desk in order to activate the full reader’s rights.

6. Sharing the rights of possession the library card is strictly forbidden.

7. About the change of the address of residence, the field and mode of study, the place of work, the e-mail address or the loss of the library card, the reader is obliged to immediately notify the lending desk that updates the data or issues a duplicate library card for a fee.

8. Library collections, its information camera (catalogs, databases), computers, all technical devices and all equipment are the property of AWF.

9. Users are obliged to respect them and are financially and legally responsible for any erred damages.

10. In connection with the functioning of the information and library system, the university may, in accordance with applicable regulations, process data concerning users, including: name and surname, date of birth, PESEL number, student or doctoral student ID number, address of residence, e-mail address, field and type of studies, name of doctoral and postgraduate studies, in accordance with Art. 3 Statute of the University.

10.1. Detailed information is provided in the “Information clause for users of the AWF Main Library in Poznań regarding personal data”.


1. The usage of the reading room assets is possible only for users with an active library card, which is an valid student, doctoral student or PFBN reader card;

1.1. The one-time use of the collection is made possible by the guest card from lending desk.

2. Users are obliged to leave in the cloakroom with an outer clothes, umbrellas, folders, backpacks, sports equipment; smaller luggage can be stored in the deposit cabinets on the first floor next to the reading room.

3. Eating meals, using phones and loud conversations is forbidden in the reading rooom.

4. The user, after entering the reading and, enters the reading board. Starting, for statistical purposes, the entry is supplemented by the number of materials used.

5. The reading book collection consists of books, magazines and other publications. It is available only on site, in a system of free access to shelves. The partition system is in force, and within it according to signatures.

6. The reading also provides:

6.1. Books and magazines stored in the magazine (extrealization),

6.2. Special collections:

6.2.1. PhDs in accordance with the AWF Rector’s Office in Poznań of 25.11.1998 on the collection, storage and sharing of master’s, diploma and bachelor’s theses.
A maximum of 8 volumes are available at one time after completing the form, which is attached as Annex No. 2 to Ordinance No. 19/98.
Through the AWF Archive, you can order master’s theses written and defended until 1998.

6.2.2. Collection of the collection of prof. Piasecki, implementation – at the latest the next day,

6.2.3 The XIX-th century collection, realization – at the latest the next day,

6.2.4. Books and magazines published until 1945, realization – immediate.
Ordering listed in point. 6.1 and 6.2 types of collection are used tabs (available from the librarian on duty).

7. The book and magazines taken out of the book and magazines should be put on carts; they are switched by the duty librarian.

8. Computers in the reading rooms have access to PFBN library directories and the Internet.

8.1. Internet use is allowed for scientific, research and educational purposes,

8.2. It is forbidden to install programs and make changes to the configuration of hardware and software,

8.3. In the separate reading area, it is possible to connect your own laptops,

8.4. Damage and irregularities in the operation of computers should be reported immediately.

9. After notification from the librarian on duty, it is possible to make printouts.

10. Respect for the copyrights of authors, it is possible to:

10.1. Make a fee of xerographic prints on the device in the reading box. Special collections are not made available for photocopying,

10.2. Use the digital camera – after reporting to an on-call librarian. Photographing doctoral and master’s theses is prohibited.

11. The Study Room (No. 210) provides teamwork.


1. The following Outside the library, you don’t borrow:

1.1. Works from the handbook of the reading,

1.2.. The special collections,

1.3. Magazines and newspapers.

2. The right to rent the harvest has:

Category of readersMaximum number of books (one-time)Period of borrowing bookExtension of the return deadline
Students of the AWF stationary and part-time in Poznań and ZWKF in Gorzów Wlkp., students from exchange programs103 months1-1 month
AWF students in Poznań and ZWKF in Gorzów Wlkp. using the Individual Organization of Studies, members of student scientific circles,
staying on an active sports holiday and studying in two fields
103 months2-1 month
AWF employees and doctoral students in Poznań and ZWKF in Gorzów Wlkp.201 year1-1 year
Students, employees, students of doctoral and postgraduate studies of universities associated in the Poznań Foundation of Scientific Studies31 monthlack of
Participants of courses and postgraduate studies organized by the AWF Personnel and Training Centre in Poznań and ZWKF in Gorzów Wlkp.33 months1-1 month
Students, academics of universities not affiliated at PFBN21 monthlack of

3. The books from the warehouse are ordered electronically via the online catalogue. Execution of orders is carried out on an ongoing basis. Ordered books are booked for 7 days.

4. From the collection of the library there was a multi-exeperation book collection of the lending desk, marked: rental – didactic publishing. The partition layout is in force, and within it the alphabetical system:

4.1. Students and employees of AWF use the teaching book collection in the system of free access to shelves,

4.2. Other readers order books electronically through the online catalogue. The last 3 copies of the title are reserved for readers from the AWF.

5. When receiving books, the reader shows an active library card, which is an valid electronic student ID card, doctoral student or reader card of the Poznań Foundation of Scientific Libraries.

6. The loan is registered only by computer based on the book and library card barcode.

7. After registering the rentals or the reviment of library materials, the reader can obtain a printout of the current state of his account and submit any comments.

8. The reader may extend the loan period of the book if he requests a prolongation before the deadline for the deadline of return: in person in the lending desk, by phone, e-mail, through the online catalogue – by logging into his account.

9. The Library may, for important reasons, request the return of books before the deadline for the statutory return.

10. The reconversion within the date of borrowed books results in a fee charged for each day of delay in the amount determined for the academic year;

10.1. A persistent evasion of the return of works prompted by the lending desk may deprive the reader of the right to use the Library periodically or completely.

11. In the event of loss or destruction of the book, the reader is obliged to purchase the same copy;

11.1. In exceptional cases, the library may agree to purchase the book indicated by it or to pay the appropriate amount to compensate for the value of the lost work.

12. Before receiving the diploma and in the case of departure from the university, students, doctoral students and employees are obliged to settle all obligations towards the library and other libraries associated with PFBN:

12.1. The certificate of the lack of arrears on circulation cards is issued by the lending desk after presenting an electronic student, business card, PFBN reader card,

12.2. Users using the PFBN reader’s card are obliged to return it.


1. TheEmployees, doctoral students and students of the University of Physical Education in Poznań have the right to use the services of inter-library.

2. The condition for ordering library materials is to have an active library card.

3. The condition for accepting a domestic contract is the lack of sought-after library materials in Poznań, foreign libraries – lack in national libraries.

4. The Library reserves the right to decide on the number of ordered items.

5. The reader places an order to import a work from the library by submitting a reader in the lending desk, filling in the appropriate order form carefully and legible.

6. The order should be confirmed in writing by a direct supervisor, the doctoral students are confirmed by the promotion. In the absence of confirmation, the order shall be treated as privately paid.

7. The costs of orders paid from private funds, resulting from fees set by libraries executing orders, the reader is obliged to cover the amount due to the given account.

8. Library materials, imported by interlibrary rental, are made available only in the reading box for one month if the lending library does not specify another date.

9. The library lends its own collections to other domestic and foreign libraries, performs photoographic prints of articles from their magazines and books. For a given institution, 5 books are borrowed once and performs photocopies of up to 10 articles and 5 excerpts from books (up to 30 pages from 1 book).


1. Centre for Scientific Information (hereinafter: OIN):

1.1. Develops and makes available its own bibliographic databases: it records the publications of AWF employees in Poznań and doctoral dissertations,

1.2.. Performs biblometric analyses in the field of assessment of the scientific achievements of university employees,

1.3. Provides sources of information in the team work room,

1.4. Helps users to reach the source materials and find literature on a given topic,

1.5. It grants ad hoc bibliographic information,

1.6. It organizes training in the use of information sources.

2. Priority in the use of the services of the Scientific Information Centre is given to employees and students of the Academy of Physical Education in Poznań.

3. The services provided by OIN are free of charge.


1. The following In the team work room, the following are provided:

1.1. Public and licensed electronic sources bibliographic and full-text,

1.2.. other multimedia materials,

1.3. Information Publishers constituting an OIN handbook.

2. Before proceeding to the search session, you must make an entry in the OIN visit book.

3. The user conducts a search independently or with the possibility of using the help of an on-call librarian.

4. In the use of information sources, there may be restrictions resulting from the terms of the license agreements.

5. The searched information can be printed or stored on its own data carriers.

6. All data saved by the user on university computers will be deleted after the library is closed.

7. It is forbidden to:

7.1. Use of computers for profit,

7.2. Injrusting of copyright,

7.3. Creating, searching, presenting materials about the content that offends the feelings of others,

7.4. Install programs and make changes to hardware and software configurations.

8. In the event of a violation of the above rules, the on-call librarian has the right to immediately interrupt the user’s work.

9. The on-call person has the right to monitor the work currently being carried out.

10. Any damage or irregularities in the work of computers should be reported immediately to the on-call librarian.

These Regulations approved by the Library Council on 29 June 2009, as amended, shall apply from 1 April 2022.

Director of the Main Library
Aleksandra Staniszewska

List of fees applicable in the Main Library of the Academy of Physical Education. Eugeniusz Piasecki in Poznań

Students, PhD students and employees of the Affiliates at PFBN:
Activation of the user in the library system12 PLN / academic year
Further activations12 PLN / academic year
Researchers and students of other Poznań universities and non-associated universities in PFBN:
Issuing a library card and the first activation120 PLN / year
Further activations120 PLN / year
Students of postgraduate studies and courses organized by
AWF Centre for Personnel and Training in Poznań:
Issuing a library card and the first activation12 PLN / year
Further activations12 PLN / year
Persons who are only interested in using the Readings:
Issuing a library card and the first activation12 PLN / year
Further activations12 PLN / year
All users have fees:
for issuing a duplicate library card24 PLN
for the detention or refusal of the return of library materials0.20 PLN / day / volume
Other charges:
A4 black and white photocopyPLN 0.20 / page
Lost the key to the deposit cabinet
(the need to replace the lock mechanism)
90 PLN

PFBN (Poznan Foundation of Scientific Libraries


Fees for:
– issuing a library card,
– establishment and activation of a library account,
– an untime return of books,
You must make a transfer to the university account.

Number of the account:

91 1020 4027 0000 1702 1315 1552

In the title of the transfer, type Your name and number of the album (or the name of the university, type of postgraduate studies, etc.).


1. Leave your coats and bags in the Cloakroom or use the lockers on the first floor (a PLN 2 deposit is necessary).
2. Do not talk loudly and do not bring food or drinks to the Reading Room.
3. Do not use mobile phones or Skype in the Reading Room.

THE LENDING LIBRARY /ground floor/
Borrowing books, student ID card activation

1. Students must register with the Library before using The Reading Room or/and Lending Library.
2. The student ID card is also a library card. It can be activated at the Lending Desk. The cost of activation is 12 PLN and is paid by the user.
3. Each student can borrow up to 10 books for 3 months. The loan period can be extended by the user before the expiry period for another month.
4. Payment for overdue books: PLN 0.20 per item per day.
5. On an exceptional basis, students who have not yet received an ID card may obtain a „guest card” in the Lending Library. It entitles the holder to use only the Reading Room.

THE READING ROOM /first floor/
Print and electronic resources, computers, Wi-Fi

1. Books and journals in the Reading Room are held on the open shelves and can be used only on site.
2. Students sign their name in the visitors’ book at the librarian’s desk.
3. Scanners are not available in the Library.